Advanced Typography - Final Compilation & Reflection

30/08/2023 - 29/11/2023 / Week 1 - Week 14

Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581

Advanced Typography / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus

Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 1 : Exercise : Typographic System and Type & Play

Task 2 : Key Artwork & Collateral

Task 3 : Type Exploration and Application


Task 1 : Exercise
30/8/2023 - 13/92023 / Week 1 - Week 5

Exercise 1 : Typographic System

Figure 1.1 : Axial System

Figure 1.2 : Radial System

Figure 1.3 : Dilatational System

Figure 1.4 : Random System

Figure 1.5 : Grid System

Figure 1.6 : Modular System

Figure 1.7 : Transitional System

Figure 1.8 : Bilateral System

Figure 1.9 : Typographic System (PDF)

Figure 1.10 : Typographic System (Grid & Guides)

Exercise 2 : Type & Play

Figure 2.1: Basilique St Denis

Figure 2.2: Extraction

Figure 2.3: Design Process

Figure 2.4: Type "TEAMD" in JPEG

Figure 2.5: Type "TEAMD" (PDF)

     Figure 2.6: Poster in (JPEG)

Figure 2.7: Poster in (PDF)

Task 2 : Key Artwork & Collateral
13/09/2023 - 09/09/2023 / Week 6 - Week 7

Figure 3.1 Final Key Artwork - Black & White (JPG)

Figure 3.2 : Color Palate


 Figure 3.3 : Final Key Artwork (PDF)

Figure 3.4 : Bag Collateral

Figure 3.5 : Cup Collateral

Figure 3.6 : White T-Shirt Collateral

Figure 3.7 : Paper Cup Collateral

Figure 3.8 : Key Artwork GIF Animation 

Figure 3.9 : Uploaded Work on Instagram

Figure 3.10 : Key Artwork

Figure 3.11 : Finals Task 2 Submission (PDF)

Task 3 : Type Exploration and Application
11/10/2023 - 29/11/2023 / Week 7 - Week 14

GAME-D : Download

Figure 4.1 : Font Presentation (1)  (JPG)

Figure 4.2 : Font Presentation (2)  (JPG)

Figure 4.3 : Font Presentation (3)  (JPG)

Figure 4.4 : Font Presentation (4)  (JPG)

Figure 4.5 : Font Application (5)  (JPG)

Figure 4.6 : Font Application (6)  (JPG)

Figure 4.7 : Font Application (7)  (JPG)

Figure 4.8 : Font Application (8)  (JPG)


The module of advanced typography is the continuation from the typography module of the last semester, where my lessons of the previous semester are apply for this as well.
I felt somewhat calm as I have experience and worry as the lecturer say advance typography will be harder then the typography from last semester. In this module we where given much freedom where we need to be more imaginative and creative for the task 2 Key Artwork & Collateral and task 3 Type Exploration & Application where we are able to express ourselves more. 

Throughout this entire semester in this module, from what I have observe that is it important do more research on the topic that you chosen before proceeding and it is important to double check and testing on your design especially in task 3 where missing a small important details in the typefaces may result a setback that could consume a lot of precious time. The exercises that is given to us all aim to allow us to gain the theoretical and practical knowledge that can be use by us all in the advance typography with necessary experience to take on the module task. All the other classmate in this module has both design and presented amazing design of typefaces, poster, key artwork and collateral that express their personalities greatly.

What I have found in this advance typography module are that in the last semester typography module focus on learning the basic understanding and using the tools where as the advanced typography teaches us to branch out with our work and cultivate creative imagination and also expression.


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