Information Design Exercises

23/9/2024 - 26/7/2024 / Week 1 - Week 7

Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581

Information Design / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus

Exercise: Information   /  - Individual


Links :


Week 1 – Type of Infographics

In this week where we introduces to the 8 type of infographics to communicate messages. There is also case studies where the creatives process is as follows, that is Identify Problem, Evaluate data, define strategies, storyboard, Execution and finally deliverances.

Week 2 –  L.A.T.C.H

We also learn about L.A.T.C.H Theory that is location, alphabet, time, category and hierarchy.


Exercise 1 - Quantify & Visualize Data

Figures 1.0: Sorting (1)

Figures 1.1: Sorting (2)

Figures 1.3: Drat (1)

Figures 1.4: Drat (2)

Figures 1.5: Quantify & Visualize Data

Figures 1.6: Quantify & Visualize Data Final Completed Version 

Final Quantify & Visualise Data (Exercise 1)

Figures 1.7: Final Quantify & Visualize Data 

Exercise 2 - L.A.T.C.H


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