Typography Task 2 : Exploration & Communication

2/5/2023-26/5/2023 / Week 5 - Week 8

Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581

Typography/Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus

Task 2 Exploration & Communication


Lectures 1 to 6 are completed in Typography Task 1: Exercise

Week 6 : Typography Task 2 Progress Demo

Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPwYO3ff4e0&list=PLZk01iRkmnlUF8tRLTTAogutYcraV6DFR&index=18

In this demo lectures video Me Vinod show what must we do for typography task 2, starting with the  selection of text and sketches.


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/12lWPEPaoQsRKyU3ectUo8aIh3HiMPi1M/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Typography Task 2 Exercise where we have to choose 1 out of the 3 editorial text options that is provided by Mr Vinod that will edited and done in adobe InDesign with no image or color, but little graphical element is allow as well as use adobe illustrator for editing the headline is also allow.

Task 2: Text Formatting 


Before starting Task 2 Text Editorial Formatting I have done some research by looking visual references of editorial spreads sheet that I can look for inspiration for my task 2.


Figure 1.1: Layout Sketches (20/5/2023)

This is the initial sketches that I have drawn for my text formatting where I choose the third text editorial option. The plan is that I will use the adobe illustrator to create an headline where the word heading is spilt into 3 sentences that is place on top of each other with different point size and font to express a sense of unity that is line up with the headline "Unite to visualise a better world" and placing the heading in the middle between the text to express as bridge that keep the two text together to allow easy reading as well as showing the text is line up with the grid.

Headline design process in Adobe illustrator

Figure 1.2: Headline Design Process (20/5/2023)

The headline "Unite to visualise a better world" is divided into 3 sentences above each other that have different word font to suit the spaces of the circle.

Word: Unite 
Font Type: Univers LT Std 65 Bold Oblique, power point 198.54 pt.

Word: To Visualise
Font Type: Univers LT Std 53 Extended Oblique, power point 78.77 pt.

Word: A Better World
Font Type: Minion Variable Concept Bold, power point 153.8 pt.

Task 2 Text editing process

Figure 2.1: Text Editing Process (1) (20/5/2023)

Figure 2.2: Text Editing Process (2) (20/5/2023)

The editorial text options that I choose is the third option with font type of Univers LT Std 45 Light, point 11pt and leading 14pt. 

Figure 2.3: Text Editing Process PDF (20/5/2023)

Links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ghFAAgXYjZCVp8_74YA-hwnq5txtgmm9/view?usp=sharing

Task 2 Final Text Editorial Options

Figure 3.1: Final Text (20/5/2023)

Figure 3.2: Final Text Work PDF (20/5/2023)


Week 6 General Feedback:
The text must be align with the cross line alignment and the point size must be the same with box. Do not use contrast black and white on your layout and also try to avoid hyphenation in the sub text.

Week 7 General Feedback:
The text do not need to be complicated, instead make make it simple and use a better fonts also do not use BODONI.


The overall experience of this assignment is very eye openings for me as my understanding that the placement and design of the text can really affect the transfer of information to the reader, the lecture and example show by the lecturer has also help us greatly as well.

From what I have observe is that this assignment has taught a lot about text editing such as cross alignment, layout, text formatting and many other thing that has help to to experiment and also explore the possibility of what I can design for this text layout as well as the placement of the text could really to the reader.

Throughout this assignment I have found that during my research is that are many unique text with different placement and head title design to them where all of them is readable to the reader, which is the most important thing of all in designing and text arrangement as that no matter how beautiful is it as long as it is not readable then it has fail in one of the most important objective in typography that is the transfer of information.  

Further Reading

Figure 4.1: Typographic Design: Form and Communication (21/5/2023)

This articles is a group work that is published where its content goes through the form and communication of typography such its evolution through human history, the anatomy of Typography, legibility of Typography that is widely misunderstood and frequently neglected by designers, the grid of the skeleton framework of Typography and many other things. 


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