Vehicle and Props Design Exercise: Fundamentals of Vehicle Design

29/4/2024 - 7/6/2024 / Week 01 - Week 07

Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581

Vehicle and Props Design / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus

Exercises: Vehicle and Props Concept Techniques and Practices

20% Individual


Figures 1.0: Vehicle and Props Design MIB

Links :

Fundamentals of Vehicle Design

We are to practice and showcase thorough understanding of creating vehicle and props design via series of continues exercises given. Where we can pick and draw 3 types of vehicle designed for either land, air or water. 

Figures 1.1: Car Shape Deconstruction (1)

Figures 1.2: Car Shape Deconstruction (2)

Figures 1.3: Car Shape Deconstruction (3)

Figures 1.4: Car Shape Deconstruction (4)

Figures 1.5: Car Shape Deconstruction (5)


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