Illustrator and Visual Image Project 3: Digital Triptych

4/4/2023-26/4/2023 / Week 4 - Week 9

Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581

Illustrator and Visual Image /Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus

Project 3: Digital Triptych

Project 3: Digital Triptych 

Cooper Pirate Treasures

Short Narrative

Act 1 Setup

Once upon a time, there was kids name David Cooper whose family was quite rich where their lived-on island town name Richard Islands. David Cooper and his sister Emily was love by their parent and grew up happily, until one day tragedy struck where both of their parent lost their live on a business trip where their passenger ship was sunk by the storm. Him and Emily who has not enough time to grieve where suddenly the inheritance left behind by their parent was stolen by their uncle Roland leaving the sibling in poverty leaving only a book, thankfully the resident of Richard Islands looks after them.

Act 2 Conflict

One day, during the evening where David was working with his friend Jonathan he suddenly received news that his sister Emily fell extremely ill where after the doctor diagnosis it was revealed that Emily has a terminally ill disease that is incurable where David was desperately try to find a way to save his sister, until a strange man who in rags appear who was reveal to be Roland where he was scam resulted in losing all of the inheritance money, in desperation Roland seek out the book in the possession of the sibling where it was then revealed to be a map and clue left behind by a legendary pirates who amassed huge wealth as well as capturing a famous doctor who research may have the hope to cure Emily. Although David was reluctant to struck a deal with Roland decide to the risk in order to save his sister, accompany by Jonathan who offer his help the three set out to find the treasure of the pirate.

Act 3 Resolution

Until finally, their manage to find lost treasures of the pirate located in giant island cave where huge countless number of golds, jewels and most importantly the research note of the doctor that have a chance to cure Emily, but Roland who was blinded by greed attempt to kill both David and Jonathan yet he accidently causes his own death in the end. David and Jonathan make it back with the research note and also the treasures where their able to cure Emily illness as well as giving the part of the treasures to the resident of Richard Islands and another half donating to charity including publishing research note of the cure that was able to save a lot of live around the world.


Figure 1.2: Outline View

Coper and the Pirate Treasures

Figure 1.3: Triptych Final Design


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