Typography Task 3 : Type Design & Communication
26/5/2023-26/6/2023 / Week 8 - Week 13
Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581
Typography/Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus
Task 3: Type Design & Communication
All lecture as well as task is refer to Task 1 and 2.
Typo_Task 3A Typeface Construction (Shapes)
On week 7 we are given our third task assignment project that is Type Design
& Communication. Where Mr Viond briefed us all on the detail instruction
and requirement of this task and showing us example how the process is done
and also giving us important advices for us to use. First before we began, we
must do research of typefaces as there are many great one to build our
understanding and possibility that is out there. Once we have the basis with a
good amount research done then we began the process of sketching. After
sketching and choosing our desires calligraphy word design we then began
digitize our design work using adobe illustrator.
Typo_Task 3A_Illustrator To Fontlab5 Demo (WATH FIRST before FontLab 7 Video)
width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Task 3: Type Design & Communication
On week 7 is where we began Task 3 Type Design & Communication where we
will be designing a limited number of western alphabet such as "a" or "e" by
first choosing existing font design that adheres to the direction that we
liked where we are given to design our own typeface with our handwriting
from scratch. That is to to ensures that we understand the traditional way
of writing alphabet from old font type to modern, so Mr Vinod inform us to
bring graph paper and pen with different heading in order to understand the
fundamental basic and also meaning of typeface.
I started first by doing some research into the already existing typeface
font in the internets and website, I do not have a clear idea of what font I
was looking for, leading me look at many different font type.
Figure 1.1: Visual Reference (1)
Figure 1.2: Visual References (2)
Figure 1.3: Visual References (3)
Figure 1.4: Visual Reference (4)
Figure 1.5: Visual Reference (5)
Figure 1.6: Visual Reference (6)
Figure 1.7: Visual Reference (7)
Calligraphy Handwriting Exercise
At the start of week 7 These are where we use the pen with different heading
to drawn the word and shape in different angle to understand the process of
designing the typefaces. After that we to design our own calligraphy
Typefaces of the word "a", "e", "t', "g", "r", "i", "y", "m", "p" and "n".
Figure 1.8: Typeface Handwriting Exercise (15/5/2023)
Figure 1.9: Calligraphy Typeface Sketches (16/5/2023)
I began to digitize the typeface that I have drawn and design after the
research I done on the different font type and also what direction I
should take for my typefaces. The digitization of the began where I take
picture of the calligraphy typeface design I want where it is crop and
paste in the adobe illustrator using tools to create the digitize
Figure 2.1: Typefaces Digitization (1/6/2023)
Font Labs
After the digitization of the Typefaces, Mr Vinod then guide us to make
the Typefaces into font types using Font Labs where we will install the
font type that we created to proceed the next and final step of Type
Design & Communication.
Figure 2.5: Font Lab Design Process (3) Final Outcome (13/6/2023)
Final Outcome of Typeface
Figure 2.7: Font Type WODD-Regular (PDF) (15/6/2023)
Poster Layout & Design
In our final step to complete Task 3 Type Design & Communication where
are to create a poster using the Font type we have created.
The rule is that the font type point must remain the same and the only word
that we can use are the word that we design in our calligraphy typeface
design (Figure 1.4) that is the word "a,e,t,g,r,i,y,m,p,n".
Figure 3.1: Poster 1 (20/6/2023)
Figure 3.2: Poster 2 (20/6/2023)
Figure 3.3: Poster 3 (20/6/2023)
Final Poster Submission Design
Figure 3.4: Final Poster (20/6/2023)
Figure 3.5: Final Poster (PDF) (20/6/2023)
Week 7 General feedback:
Practice more on researching and sketching the designed of typeface of your
our own and also do a lot of research how it is done as well as understand
each detail.
Week 8 General feedback:
Practice more on writing style with a calligraphy pen to find the rhythm and
get used to shaping the strokes
Week 9 General Feedback:
Watch the lecture video that is provided on YouTube and practice type
construction also ensure the each letter word is aligned with the baseline.
Week 10 General feedback:
Ensure the typeface is straighten and refined as well as to avoid uneven
ascender and also different stroke weight, google fonts and font shares
websites provide references to help in our digital calligraphy.
Week 11 General feedback:
The letter word must touch the baseline and when creating letter font reuse
the part out of one of the letter that you created to create consistency and
also use the entire space of the poster to craete visual effect.
Week 12 General feedback:
Ensure the credit name is at 12 point.
My whole experience with this assignment have many up and down, but it was
ok in the end for me I believe. At the beginning of the assignment I was
able to understand what I needed to do and learn a lot about the handwritten
calligraphy design that give me a great basic understanding of typography as
well as how font type is created as the letter must have consistency with
one of other as it angle and stroke must remain the same as
From what I have observe in this assignments is that even before beginning
doing this assignment is that research must be always thing to do first as
researching on other font type help provide valuable insight of how font
type is created and that practicing handwritten calligraphy typeface help
people to gain basic understanding of typography.
What I find in this assignment is that there 4 step that are taken to
complete task assignment 3 that is first step research on different existing
type fonts, second step drawing and designing calligraphy typeface, third
step digitization of the handwritten typefaces design and also the final
step turning the digitize typefaces into font type using font lab. Not only
that I have learn one important thing from Mr Vinod in this assignment is
that there are no being original in design, instead strive to become good at
Further Reading
Figure 4.1: Computer Typography Basics
This articles explain typography word that is turn into font typefaces that
is use into the modern day computer that we all use for the word style and
appearance. Ever since the first scribes lettered books by hand years ago,
the most important goal of typography was readability where no matter how
pretty the layout or unique a font selection is, if the information of the
content are not readable then it has failed in its main duty that is the
transfer information. As the main goal of Typography is to make the
information easier to the reader to read and that there already many variety
of fonts type out there that is use to do just that.
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