Design in Creative Media Blog - 0354184 - Dow Jia Zheng


Final Blog 

Design in Creative Media Honours

First Assignment 
Exercise 20% (Due on 20 January)

Third and Final Design 3 - Triangle Newton Light

This is the final design that I decided to submits for Exercise, it is simple that does not have much complicity to it with the design principle of harmony of 6 different colors and triangle, the other design principle is balance as it is the at the center of the drawing where the triangle support it.  

Project Self 1: Self-Portrait

Final Design of Self-Portraits

This is the final design of my self-portrait where there 5 spaces that talk about myself, at the left there my imagination creative and hobbies that I like to do, at the right there my background that explained who am I and also my experience to places that I have been to.

Visual Analysis

Final Visual Analysis Design - Circles of Truth

This final visual analysis design that use the design principle of balance where the circles and trees is at the center, the other design principle is symbols, word and image where the images and colors tell what going on. The UNSDG is climate action that remind the people the people that action must be taken to save our planets.


Throughout my study in design in creative media module I have learn a lot about basic design principle to improve my design skill and allow me to explore different design that I never try before that teach me how to utilize design to convey purposeful messages to a target audience, which is the process that I really enjoy and the thing that I did not really enjoy is the short time of this semester that made me rush an few time. What I have learn about myself through this module is that I really like to create thing and design, but I do not know how to improve my skills where thanks to this module I began to saw some improvements and throughout this learning journey there some changes like most lecture as well tutorial is in online other that there not much changes at all. The module can be improve in my opinion is that more time are given as this module semester is too short.


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