
Showing posts from August, 2024

Character Design Task 4 Final Compilation

29/4/2024 - 26/7/2024 / Week 1 - Week 14 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Character Design / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Task 4: Compilation /  - Individual INSTRUCTIONS Links : Weekly Task 1 Progression  Task 1 Download Links : Weekly Task 2 Progression Task 2 Download Links: Weekly Task 3 Progression Task 3 Download Links: Task 4 Final Project Compilation Task 4 Down...

Vehicle and Props Design Final Project

29/4/2024 - 26/7/2024 / Week 1 - Week 14 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Anatomy and Character Sculpture / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Final Project: Post Production and Profiling 40% Individual INSTRUCTIONS Figures 1.0: Vehicle and Props Design MIB Links : Post Production and Profiling Figures 1.1: Vehicle and Props Design Blurprint Figures 1.2: Vehicle and Props Design Side View Figures 1.3: Vehicle and Props Design Side Entrance Method 1 Figures 1.4: Vehicle and Props Design Side Entrance Method 2 Figures 1.5: Vehicle and Props Design Perspective Final Submission Final Project Figures 2.0: Vehicle and Props Design PDF Compilation Links :

Vehicle and Props Design Project 2: Vehicle and Props Orthographic (Blueprint)

31/5/2024 - 28/6/2024 / Week 06 - Week 10 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Vehicle and Props Design / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Project 2: Vehicle and props orthographic (Blueprint) 30% Individual INSTRUCTIONS Figures 1.0: Vehicle and Props Design MIB Links : Production Figures 1.1: Vehicle and Props Design Process 1 Figures 1.2: Vehicle and Props Design Process 2 Figures 1.3: Vehicle and Props Design Process 3 Figures 1.4: Vehicle and Props Design Process 4 Submission Production Figures 2.0: Vehicle and Props Design Final Blueprint Figures 2.1: Vehicle and Props (PDF) Links :

Vehicle and Props Design Project 1: Vehicle and Props Concept Techniques and Practices

29/4/2024 - 7/6/2024 / Week 01 - Week 07 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Vehicle and Props Design / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Project 1: Vehicle and Props Concept Art from Existing Game/Film (2D concept drawing) 20% Individual INSTRUCTIONS Figures 1.0: Vehicle and Props Design MIB Links : Pre Production We where told to create a suitable vehicle and props design for the world that we have proposed across for character design and anatomy (optional) or you can have it separate.. Our vehicle and props should communicate its functionality that reflect the world proposed. Along with the note that for vehicle (man-made mechanical ), we are to choose 1 minimum from any of these types (land, air, water), whilst props are the components suitable to our vehicl...

Anatomy and Character Sculpture Final Project

29/4/2024 - 26/7/2024 / Week 1 - Week 14 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Anatomy and Character Sculpture / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Final Project: Polishing and Dynamic Posture with Props 40% Individual INSTRUCTIONS Figures 1.0: Anatomy and Character Sculpture MIB Links : Polishing and Dynamic Posture with Props Final project are where we expected to finally polish our character, cleanup and retouch the sculpt accordingly with an appealing posture that represents character personality clearly. Character to have props that will further support characters persona and adds visual narrative of its nature. Sculpture should stand on a platform and retopoed. Lighting to be further enhanced and final renders to then be retouched in photoshop or ad digital painting tool...

Anatomy and Character Sculpture Project 2: Character Sculpt 2

31/5/2024 - 28/6/2024 / Week 06 - Week 10 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Anatomy and Character Sculpture / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Project 2: Character Sculpt 2 - Texturing and Detailing 20% Individual INSTRUCTIONS Figures 1.0: Anatomy and Character Sculpture MIB Links : Character Detailing and Texturing Project 2 are to continuation of Project 1 Sculpt to further enhancement, we may add sufficient details and textures to the character sculpt by utiliziing thorough studies of anatomy principles in our sculpt. Details should uplift the character persona which will add visual narrative to the output produced.  Figures 1.1: Character Coloring and Texture Figures 1.2: Character Hair T...

Anatomy and Character Sculpture Project 1: Character Sculpt 1

29/4/2024 - 7/6/2024 / Week 01 - Week 07 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Anatomy and Character Sculpture / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Project 1: Character Sculpt 1 - Dynamic and neutral posing 20% Individual INSTRUCTIONS Figures 1.0: Anatomy and Character Sculpture MIB Links : Character Sculpt 1: Stylized Character Blockout We are to utilize our character design to create a stylized character block-out where we have to demonstrate anatomy studies applied in our digital sculpting, where we are expected to find references of other characters to help in our designing our character. Figures 1.1: First Attempt and Study Figures 1.2: Second Attempt and Impro...

Vehicle and Props Design Exercise: Fundamentals of Vehicle Design

29/4/2024 - 7/6/2024 / Week 01 - Week 07 Dow Jia Zheng - 0354184 / 040604-14-1581 Vehicle and Props Design / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus Exercises: Vehicle and Props Concept Techniques and Practices 20% Individual INSTRUCTIONS Figures 1.0: Vehicle and Props Design MIB Links : Fundamentals of Vehicle Design We are to practice and showcase thorough understanding of creating vehicle and props design via series of continues exercises given. Where we can pick and draw 3 types of vehicle designed for either land, air or water.  Figures 1.1: Car Shape Deconstruction (1) Figures 1.2: Car Shape Deconstruction (2) Figures 1.3: Car Shape Deconstruction (3) ...